Melanie Welch

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Love Living Local 315
Published on
September 13, 2023

A Journey from Student to Principal: Melanie Welch's Story

In a recent episode of "Love Living Local," hosts Scott and Kelly Grates sat down with Melanie Welch, the principal of Frankfort Schuyler Elementary School. Melanie's journey from being a student at the very school she now leads to becoming a passionate and dedicated principal is both inspiring and heartwarming. This episode delves into her professional path, the challenges she faces, and the moments that have defined her career.

Early Beginnings and Professional Journey

Melanie Welch's connection to Frankfort Schuyler Elementary School runs deep. She began her educational journey at Reese Road Elementary School, which later became Frankfort Schuyler Elementary. Returning to her roots in 2015 as the principal, Melanie found the building unchanged, a testament to the enduring community spirit. She reminisces about her childhood and the teachers who influenced her formative years.

Melanie's professional journey started with a degree in communication disorders and sciences, leading to her first role as a speech therapist. Despite initial reservations, she embraced the challenge of becoming the speech provider and chairperson for special education. Encouraged by supportive administrators, she pursued further certifications, ultimately leading her to her current role as principal.

The Role of an Administrator

As an administrator, Melanie Welch wears many hats. Balancing the responsibilities of leading teachers, supporting students, and managing administrative tasks can be overwhelming. With the new school year approaching, Melanie feels the pressure of preparing for the influx of new students and ensuring that they feel welcomed and oriented.

Despite the challenges, Melanie finds joy in the collaborative spirit of her teachers, who share their summer adventures and classroom needs. She emphasizes the importance of being present and engaged with both students and staff, creating a nurturing environment where everyone can thrive.

The Power of Personal Touch

One of Melanie's standout qualities is her dedication to maintaining personal connections. Scott and Kelly highlight Melanie's habit of sending handwritten notes to students and teachers, recognizing their achievements and milestones. This simple yet meaningful gesture has a profound impact, fostering a sense of belonging and appreciation within the school community.

Melanie recounts touching moments, such as parents keeping her notes for years, and former students remembering her kindness. These personal touches, often done quietly behind the scenes, significantly contribute to the positive culture at Frankfort Schuyler Elementary.

Memorable Moments in Education

Reflecting on her career, Melanie shares memorable teaching moments that highlight her commitment to student success. One particular story stands out: a student who overcame a learning disability through years of dedicated support. Watching this student graduate without the need for special accommodations was a career-defining moment for Melanie, reaffirming her belief in the power of education and perseverance.

Supporting Students and Families

Melanie offers practical advice for parents on supporting their children's education. She stresses the importance of regular attendance, as missing school can hinder a child's academic and social development. Communication is key—asking specific questions about their day can help children open up and share their experiences.

Melanie also acknowledges the challenges faced by busy families and those with language barriers. She encourages parents to engage with their children’s education actively and to establish a strong home-school connection.


Melanie Welch's journey from student to principal is a testament to her dedication, resilience, and love for her community. Her story serves as an inspiration to educators and parents alike, demonstrating the profound impact of personal connections, perseverance, and a nurturing educational environment. As Frankfort Schuyler Elementary School continues to thrive under her leadership, Melanie Welch remains a beacon of hope and positivity for her students and staff.

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